Info ︎

A singular starting photo is reverse searched through Google images. Algorithms analyse the colours, forms and composition of the image to produce a selection of ‘visually similar images’.

When Google’s algorithms mis-read an image, they produce a set of images that look similar but depict something new. These mistakes are what builds the narrative of the slideshow, moving the search across different kinds of imagery. I select which of the similar images offered to add to the slideshow - by selecting an image that contains a new detail or slightly different semiotics you can introduce new information to the algorithms, moving the search in that direction.

The edits are made visible. To align these two images
Twinned frames lifted from the ‘AI Vision Essay‘. The prints are images #63 and #64 of the essay. Each frame contains 2 prints on semi translucent paper, the original image and a cropped version to fit the narrative of the essay, these edits are made visible by their stacking together.

They document the moment the algorithm latched on to an incredibly specific image contents and composition. In collaboration with the processing power of this algorithm, I’ve carved out created a niche sub sub genre of imagery.

A  protagonist is centre stage, lost in their own world and thoughts, behind them an incident is occuring. It’s unnverving, sinister, or slap stick, charlie chaplin. The everyday is made poetic and cinematic, unintentional cinema. 
Expanded cinema